There is nothing in the universe that can give you happiness except Unconditional Love for others,and helping out other people. Right is helping and being kind. Wrong is not only hurting someone but not helping when you can." Therefore Hell ,like heaven is a state of mind and not a place, which concludes that we already live in a state of hell or heaven here on earth. We are bound by what we think , our choices and actions create the reality we live in.
Reflect your own life, how much darkness and hatred have you put into the lives of others v.s the amount of love and light that you give, whether it be in relationships, your colleagues at work, your bf/gf , possibly your parents or may be the hatred that still resides in you towards people. This thread is designed so you may choose for love in your life, Being negative,hateful will only backfire at you because we are all interconnected to each other. the more solid our thoughts become, as we act upon them -
allowing darkness to develop in others and in ourselves - the more damning they are. Many people have been long time in hell before they die, which is a result of the unconsciousness of what love means in their lives.
Society likes you to believe that things like ,money,houses,work,diplomas,clothes,
appearances,the car that you own,high positions,or many possessions are important. Ask yourself how many things can you bring beyond the grave? Nothing but love and experience.
Its actually easily to kick over all these by society stigmatized priorities.
1.I had a boss who had loads of money,many diploma's and a high position. He got cancer and then what do money and position matter when you are on the brink of dying?
2.Same counts for appearances, its nice to be beautiful but its more beautiful to be nice.
3.Cars, we had a few people here in the asylum who wrecked their dads car,or their own car who are so focussed on the car, that they forget to be glad that they made it out alive with their family. Matter can be replaced lives cannot.
4.Money, i applaud to the person who said money is something that makes you feel miserable in a nice place, he is so right. Its a myth that money makes you happy, life is what you make it money is only a tool.
5.Houses, i know this rich married guy who worked his ass off for a marvelous huge house with a great view, after they sold their old house and went into the villa his wife starts complaining that the house was too big, result? Him having an affair with another woman and ending up in a divorce with his current wife.
Of course we have these things in our lives for a reason, but ask yourself do you live to work, or do you work to live? Families are being ripped apart because we go for the diamonds in our lives instead of settling for the brass. Parents in their absence don't know their children, and children hate their
parents for not being there for them. Our entire materialistic view absorbs us into unimportant things,while we leave our loved ones to rot. Realize how this may be a reality in your own life, we often like to praise ourselves for how great we are to others, but if we reflect our live in reality and
honesty we would more often then not ,not like what we see.
So what if you are one of those persons who thinks all of this is BS and downright lies? The ripple effect will explain you how above forms reality in practice.
Imagine you have a pond of clear water, if you let a droplet of darkness fall in it, the negative ripple effect will touch the whole pond and make it's poison spread making the water dark and miserable. When a droplet of light and love is putted into this pond then it's light and beauty will make the entire pond
beautiful and rejoice full effecting everything with love and light.
Hatred and love have a domino effect, (for example's sake) if you kick a random person in real life on the street and bring hatred in that persons life ,you will most definitely get kicked back by that person or bad karma that come from it will hit you later on. The universe demands balance, if you swing the pendulum in the negative direction, you will eventually have to repay for the damage you have done,whether it be in the form of infinite misery, jail sentences,getting hurt in the same way,fines or other forms of bad karma before you can ever be happy you will be forced to swing the pendulum back in its opposite direction. Its a very important spiritual law of the universe which we can see in practice every day but no school can teach you.
Now for those who have read this correctly might already have come to the conclusion that if it means that misery comes to those hateful persons who have the pendulum in the negative , might also have come to the conclusion that happiness comes to those loving persons who have their pendulums constant in the positive, and thus receive continues happiness.
Therefore The world we live in is a result of all our individual will expressions of hatred and love.
Hatred and selfish expressing individuals destroy our world and loving and helping people build up happiness in it. I encourage you to spread the love and help around in this world thats filled with hatred and darkness even if its just for your own benefit.Every small act of love counts.
Via Off Topic

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